Sunday, April 08, 2012

TPE: Riding A Keel Boat

The Mark Twain is the star of the Rivers of America, with The Columbia acting as a co-star. Still, the first vehicle I would want to ride around in on my Time Travel Journey would be a Keel Boat. There's something about their small size that appeals to me; probably because they are on a slightly more intimate scale than the Twain or Columbia.

Zooming in on the previous June 1957 photo gives you a better view of the Bertha Mae:

From the same photo, it appears that there is construction going on at The Disneyland Hotel:

In this August 1958 photo, you can see Mike Fink's Popgun:

The Gullywhumper's exterior was less fancy than its sister-boat The Bertha Mae:

It appears that Fowler's Harbor was a service area for the Keel Boats as well as the larger craft that circled the Rivers of America:

Wouldn't it be great to find the photo that this gent was taking in September 1959?

I hope you enjoyed your trip on a Keel Boat today! More transportation on The Rivers of America to come. See more vintage Disneyland Keel Boat photos on my Keel Boat & Raft web page.


  1. Anonymous8:00 PM

    If you don't mind, could I join you in your Time Travel Journey Machine for a keel boat ride?

  2. This is one of those vanished attractions that I wish I could ride today...

  3. Anonymous - The more the merrier!

    Major - I second the motion.

  4. This was a real favorite. I remember riding this every trip.

    Dave, I have a picture of my Father and I coming off this ride, about 1965... check your email.


  5. Yea! Email notification is back!! I can talk to my friends again!!



  6. Boy, I sure do miss this attraction. The Keel Boats were so darn cool.
