Saturday, March 31, 2012

Screen Gem Saturdays: Gene Tierney

Gene Tierney was one of the classic beauties of 20th Century Fox during the 1940's. Her most famous film is the 1944 film noir classic, "Laura." Who else but Tierney could have made a man fall in love with her, simply by gazing at him from a painting? Here are two shots of Tierney from "Laura" with her co-star Clifton Webb, back when smoking was glamorous and lung cancer wasn't even a blip on people's radars. Supposedly Tierney began smoking to make her voice more husky.

My favorite Tierney movie is "The Ghost And Mrs. Muir," which had a distinctly different tone from the situation comedy that followed it some twenty years later. Here is Gene with Rex Harrison, who was also perfectly cast as the gruff Captain Gregg.

See more Golden Age of Hollywood photos on my Classic Movies & TV web page.

1 comment:

  1. K. Martinez2:24 PM

    The Ghost and Mrs. Muir was my favorite Gene Tierney movie too. I think it contains the best score Bernard Herrmann ever wrote and is one of my favorite scores ever written for any film.
