Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Adventureland & The Tahitian Terrace, 1969

This 1969 Adventureland image yields a few interesting closeups; first up is a side view of the Bazaar:

On the right side of the shot we can see the signage for one of the most missed Disneyland Restaurants of all time, The Tahitian Terrace:

Here's another shot of the same sign:

And just to whet your appetite even more, here's the menu from this sentimental favorite:

Thumbs up to the creatives at Disney for making the names sound so exotic, even though the menu itself is not necessarily all that exciting.

See more vintage & current Disneyland Adventureland photos on my Adventureland web page.


  1. I'll take the Teriyaki Chicken and flaming ice cream! Now there was a restaurant with Atmosphere that could even compete with Blue Bayou. All it needed was some better food... and even as it was I was delighted to be there. I miss it and I believe that Disney should restore it now.

    Thanks so much for the excellent post on this favorite place! The scene, the signage, the menu, it's all tiki-riffic and delightful. :)

  2. I love the graphics on that menu!!! By the way, wasn't the food at Disneyland rather blah during the first several years? I always heard a lot of complaints about that. I know that in the early 90's they made a real effort to improve the food. Too bad they took out the Tahitian Terrace; I never got to go inside. Guess that's why I LOVE going to Tangaroa Terrace at the hotel!

  3. Anonymous2:50 PM

    thanks Dave, right in the center of my era. These are keepers.


  4. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Would ya look at the lack of a crowd? Oh those were the days. The Terrace always seemed busy when it was open only for the busy days. Guess it couldn't make much of a profit but I think they could do OK by making it a high end restaurant today. Would be a nice return to an otherwise dull (dead) portion of the land. Just the sound of the entertainment added so much.

  5. What a wonderful shot of Adventureland. I remember buying incense for my grandmother at that outdoor cash register. I think those might even be brass incense burners sitting on the counter. And I like that drinking fountain with the painted bamboo paneling (next to the tree).

  6. Wow, I am in love with that menu! As a lover of both Disney and tikiana, that is just blowing my mind. Thank you!!
