Friday, November 04, 2011

More April 1977 Disneyland photos, Pt. 2

Today's April 1977 images are a tribute to good ol' fashioned Americana. The Golden Horseshoe has been a guest favorite at Disneyland since opening day. When this photo of the marquee was taken, Pepsi-Cola was the sponsor. The look of the interior has changed very little (if any) over the years.

This rare shot of the actual show features Fulton Burley and two of the dancing girls that stepped out of the Police Gazette magazine.

In Town Square, three of the cutest little tots are playing around in the Global Van Lines Truck, which was previously The Bekins Truck before a sponsorship switch caused that change.

This is one of my very favorite photos. How adorable is this? You know this little boy would rather be doing ANYTHING but sitting in this chair posing for some stupid ol' drawing, but hey...he's still doing it. Can you imagine what his parents had to bribe him with? I wonder if the artist captured the sour look on his face? I also wonder how much hairspray the artist used a day? So many questions...and not enough answers.

See more vintage & current Disneyland photos on my Disneyland web page.


  1. The portrait shot is interesting. Noting the lights affixed to the easel for evening work, you wonder where the power source was for them. Where there outlets in the street? A battery in the pedestal base? Details, details...

    Neat shots, Dave. Thank you.

  2. Great shot of the Global Van Lines truck!

  3. Anonymous3:52 PM

    My folks still have that pastel of me done in 1959!

  4. Hello Dave, I've been away for a while with internet problems. Lots here to comment on, your 1977 posts are very interesting.

    I promise to catch up.

