Thursday, August 04, 2011

Traveling Thursdays: Marineland

Just because I know squat about Marineland of the Pacific doesn't mean I can't post photos! Today's post is dedicated to the park that used to be in Palos Verdes from 1954-1987.

I wonder which came first; the Mickey or the Dolphin floral?

The colorful shots in today's post are from August 1958 (other than the initial exterior shots from July 1961).

At the time of its opening, Marineland was the world’s largest oceanarium. When it closed, its performing orcas/killer whales (Orky and Corky) were moved to San Diego's Sea World and renamed "Shamu."

Marineland can be seen in a number of classic TV shows, such as "The Beverly Hillbillies," "The Munsters," "The Partridge Family," and "The Lucy Show."

Eventually, Marineland was dozed and replaced with the Terranea Resort, a luxury California Oceanfront Resort.

See more Marineland photos at my my main website.


  1. Yay, Marineland! I remember that place very well and I still miss it to this day!

    I always have to mention this (because I'm bitter!).....Sea World bought Marineland just to add it's two killer whales to it's breeding program in San Diego and then quickly shut Marineland down for good after promising the public that they would keep it open and refurbish it.

    Orky the killer whale died one year after Sea World moved him to their park in San Diego, but Corky is still alive and she is over 40 years old now. Bubbles the pilot whale from Marineland is also still alive and performs in the dolphin show at Sea World.

    Notice how in that fifth photo, the dolphins are attempting to sing "How Dry I Am"!

    Thanks for these, Dave!

  2. I also remember Marineland. We have lots of fond memories of family outings to Marineland and a place not too far from there called "White Point". White Point was a place where you could walk along the rocks and look at sea life in the tide pools.

    Now I'm going to drag out family album and look at the old pictures of us at Marineland and White Point.

    Thank You for the Memory Dave. :)

  3. Visited here once when I was very small. No pictures survived, and the memories were few.

    I've been to the San Diego park since with my kids, and it still seems kind of flat to me.

    I guess I just feel sorry for the whales. That's silly, but that's how it is.


  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. We went to Marineland a zillion times and I took my son there also. I was very sad when it was sold. Thanks for these pics.

  6. One of the BIGGEST disappointments in my life is that I never got to see Marineland of the Pacific! It was a shame what Harcourt-Brace-Janovich did to that place. Marineland was a classic oceanarium and had a public relations campaign that was second only to Disneyland. They had the largest and most varied collection of marine mammals on display anywhere in the world. Two species of whales performing in two separate shows, three species of dolphins not to mention seals, sea lions, walruses and sea elephants.
