Monday, August 22, 2011

Gems from Year One

Slides that are unstamped are a pain in my arse; they make me have to think and pull out my Sherlock Holmes hat. This batch wasn't stamped, but somebody had written Disneyland 6/55 on them. Considering the park opened in July, this is obviously not correct. However, I do believe the year is correct. In this first Town Square shot, the chicken wire around the young planting, year one guidebook, and the heavy push of Davy Crockett souvenirs are pretty good clues.

Note the Keystone Kop in the background:

This Town Square shot focuses on City Hall, draped in patriotic bunting, a happy annual Disneyland tradition.

Zooming in for two things; the stylish lady in the pink suit (when was the last time you saw a guest at Disneyland with this much style and grace?) and the Scenic Rides sign:

See more vintage and contemporary Disneyland Town Square photos at my regular website.


  1. That shot with the Information Booth is really great... so much detail is visible! Whatever those red posters/displays are, I've never seen them before. It almost looks like it says "Walt Disney's DAVY CROCKETT", and that might be Fess Parker, but why wouldn't he be wearing his coon skin cap and carrying Old Betsy?

  2. Oh, and I also love the little light fixture on top of the booth with the multicolored lights!

  3. I also like the ladder in the first shot. Looks like they are replacing a globe on the street lamp. You are right about the ladies hat, very classy. We wear hats a Disneyland, just not that type.

  4. Man these are clear and most certainly GEMS - WOW! Love that multi-colored light thing!!!!!!

  5. So much information in such simple shots.

    Thank you Dave.


  6. Great shots here Dave, you lucky thing.

    Love the Tiki shirt. Maj, that is Davy Crockett, he is holding a pistol and had quite the beard goin'. I think mom used to have that 'cause I recognize it.

    tee hee! Little tyke in coonskin cap (and svelte blond mamma - made you look lol) in the background of the kiosk pic with the Crockett souvenirs. Was it popular? Hmmm I see the Keystone Kop Dave pointed out, and a Dad & Son with cowboy hats and a Flamingo Pink dress. Did they let people sit on the balcony of Maxwell House?

    Wurlitzer's sign looks great and real eye-catching - maybe they toned it down later?

    Yup neat sign. Scenic rides - For Hire!

  7. SPECTACULAR!!! And look at the little boy behind the lady in the pink suit...he is dress to the nines, as well!
