Thursday, June 16, 2011

Traveling Thursdays: The Hollywood Sign

What an iconic symbol: the Hollywood sign, high above the hills of Los Angeles. Originally constructed as a real estate advertisement, it said “HOLLYWOODLAND.” Eventually, the land was removed, Hugh Hefner donated a nice tidy sum to restore it, and voila, it should be good for awhile longer. I actually hiked up the hill (no foolin’) to present these pictures to you. The hike is not recommended for those with shortness of breath or shoes you don’t want completely ruined by the dirt. Or those who want to stay on the right side of the law.

The goal: get myself AND the letter "D." The result: almost.

Didn't see this until we were leaving. Oops.

See any similarities?

See more vintage and contemporary Hollywood photos at my main website.


  1. Oh you are such a rebel! I guess you weren't kidding when you said you wanted to run up the stairs to the Skyway Chalet!

    Very fun post!

  2. That must be a recent change, since I read an article not long ago about hiking up to and along the sign, but maybe that was a lower trail and not right up to the posts.

    You're lucky Homeland Security didn't take you in as a terrorist, or get eaten by a mountain lion.


  3. On Huel Howser's show they went up to the sign and talked on and on about all the security features they had, including speakers from which security would tell people to get the hell outta there.

    So no one spoke to you over the PA? Maybe they've had budget cuts...

  4. This was back in 2004; maybe before they went high-tech!

  5. Dan read my mind, I saw the same Huell Howser episode!

  6. In the 70's I would hike up to the old sign, built in the 20's, often. I have a metal piece of the old sign, framed and certified by the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce.
