Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Trip Report, Pt. 1

Before the premiere, there was...The Golden Horseshoe. Yes, when I got to the park last Friday afternoon, I made a beeline for The Horseshoe, as I hadn't been to a show there in quite some time. While I waited for the show to start, I took a few interior photos. You know how I love the details!

With the success of The Hoop Dee Doo Revue at WDW, I am surprised that a dinner show has never been done at The Horseshoe. I can only guess that it's a matter of kitchen size and the layout of the Shoe itself. Still...it could be a lot of fun.

Billy Hill and The Hillbillies did not disappoint. They are a talented group, led by the always unpredictable but highly entertaining Kirk Wall.

By the end of the show I was pretty hungry, but a hot dog just wasn't going to cut it. So...I headed over to the Hungry Bear Restaurant in Critter Country to try their newly revamped menu.

The Crispy Chicken Sandwich was tasty; I really wanted the Fried Green Tomato Sandwich, but decided I should save the guilty calories for the blueberry pie. I was soooooo glad that I did. Yum!

Scot Bruce was doing his Elvis show in Tomorrowland, so after my meal, I made a beeline for the other side of the park. The Star Tours building is looking mighty fine, almost ready for its June debut. When you enter the park, you'll be greeted by ads heralding this fave attraction's return:

Nice...but not as nice as the tiled mural hiding beneath:

Even the Tomorrowland Terrace has a new selection of edibles; overall, it seems like the Dining Division of Disneyland has stepped up their game:

Again...lovin' the details:

The stage sure looks purty at night!

Whether you like Elvis or not, Scot Bruce puts on one helluva show, and his backup band is pretty fab, too.

Once that was over, it was time to check out Electronica for the first time. In the meantime, I see more photos from my recent trip in your future. Stay tuned.

See more vintage and contemporary Disneyland photos at my main website.


  1. I am glad that they are bringing back entertainment to the Tomorrowland Terrace. After the Fab 4 left, there was nothing for years and I do mean NOTHING. The Jedi Academy doesn't count as entertainment in my book. Great pics as always, Dave.

  2. Excellent look at one of the more beautiful buildings in the park. BTW, that blueberry pie looks heavenly.

  3. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Scot Bruce performs regularly at Tomorrowland Terrace. Checkout his Facebook fan page at http://www.facebook.com/scotbrucefans. Check performance schedule, watch video, and view pictures. See you next year.

  4. Anonymous7:11 AM

    I know Scot Bruce performs each year in Yuma. Checkout his Facebook fan page at http://www.facebook.com/scotbrucefans. Check performance schedule, watch video, and view pictures.

  5. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Okay, let's try this one more time..

    Scot Bruce performs regularly at Tomorrowland Terrance. Check his performance schedule, watch videos, and view pictures at http://www.facebook.com/scotbrucefans.

    (This is why editors exist.)

  6. I didn't know anything at all about those new menus - and I want me some of that blueberry pie - BAD.

  7. GREAT REPORT!!!!!

    Almost as good as being there....

    Scot Bruce looks pretty convincing!

    Did they update the south side Mural?

    That Blueberry pie DOES look yummy, how much was it?

    THANKS so much!

  8. So, fried green tomato sandwiches?

    I know where I am lunching in September!

    Also, Star Tours...can't wait.

    Thanks Dave!! Great post as always, more concentrated entertainment than an hour of TV.


  9. Anonymous4:37 AM

    Thanks for the great report and great assortment of photos. Tomorrowland Terrace looks wonderful. It's one of my favorite memories of Disneyland in the 60's. So glad to see it's being stepped up :)
