Friday, May 06, 2011

Frontierland, October 1960

Another batch of color vintage images, dear readers! This slide of the “Wooden” Indiana in front of the Trading Post may seem unimpressive at first glance; but once we zoom in, it's easy to see some fun details.

Next to the U.S. map is a sign for the Assay Office. Got any dirty gold?

I had to zoom in to the Indian:

and I HAD to include a semi-recent (2008) compare/contrast example:

Once again, this Oct. 1960 Golden Horseshoe shot seems run of the mill:

Until we zoom in to see what appears to be a robbery taking place! The lady with the white hat/red ribbon seems unconcerned as she stares at the proceedings going on in front of her. The three on the bench are having a good chuckle over the whole thing.

And it just wouldn't be a Daveland post without a closeup of the signage:

This set also includes a rare interior shot:

Can't leave you with a closed curtain, so here's a publicity image that has been previously shown here:

INFORMATION PLEA FROM DAVELAND READER: The niece of Judy Marsh contacted me and is attempting to reconnect with her family members. Here's what she wrote:

Every so often I think about Judy and where her twins are today I visited your website about the Horseshoe and noticed your comment section. Judy was married to my uncle Paul and they had twins Judy and Paul. They were born in 1961/62. She and Paul split up when the twins were around 3 and we never saw her or the twins again. My grandparents passed without knowing where two of their grandchildren were. The rest of us still wonder. I'm not sure that my cousins even know about their father's family. My uncle Paul passed away in 1986. They were his only children. I am the family historian and I'm also a member of the DAR and do quite a bit of genealogy. If there is any information that would help me find them, I would greatly appreciate it. I and others in my family have fond memories of her and the kids. They were the cutest little kids. The twins were born with the last name of Meduno (spelling?). She didn't use my uncle's last name which is Cloyd. I know that my aunt Judy's maiden name is Harris. I know that she remarried but don't know what that last name is.

If you can assist Rachel in finding her family, please contact her at:

See more vintage and contemporary Disneyland Frontierland photos at my main website.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:02 AM

    So they removed the Indian's knife, aye?
