Sunday, May 01, 2011

Adventureland: Switching Sides

This crystal clear image of the Adventureland Gate/Bridge got me thinking...I wonder if any of these original masks/tribal decor still exists? I also happen to have an image of Walt himself, inspecting these very same masks:

This July 1960 shot shows them, still hanging for all to see:

Still around in 1966:

Traveling forward to today, all of the decor appears to have been replaced:

Yet, when you look at the OTHER side of the gate, it appears that one of the designs has been retained:

Can you match the shield from the first shot with the shield in the present-day shot?

I guess one out of three ain't too bad!

See more vintage and contemporary Disneyland Adventureland photos at my main website.


  1. They have done a great job since the replacements don't scream "replacement"!! LOL Love that photo of Walt.

  2. Hey, no post yesterday?

  3. Agreed, it is always fun to witness Walt enjoying his 'park' just like the rest of us.

  4. Connie - There was a post; did you scroll down all the way?

  5. I so want those tiki masks for my yet to be built backyard tiki hut!

    I love seeing these older photos of Disneyland and how dressed up people were, particularly the women, who went to the park. How fun would it be to go to Disneyland one day when everyone was dressed up (during the non-summer months of course). It would be total time warp.

  6. As for the match ups. The mask in your first photo all the way to the left, almost out of the photo, matches the mask in your last photo, second form the right. Different paint job of course.
