Wednesday, May 04, 2011

1974 B&W, Pt. 3

Another random assortment, from the 1974 BW negative batch that I have been posting this week. From the boats, our photographer shot the clock with its colorful figures representing the children of the world. I have also included a semi-similar modern-day comparison photo:

I am guessing that this semi-blurry shot was taken from the Monorail, showing the signage for the now defunct Motor Boat Cruise. This under-utilized area is often the subject of rumor whenever the possibility of new attractions comes up.

Although obviously not the same angle, it’s the closest one I could find for a contemporary comparison shot (note to self: ride the Monorail this weekend!):

A few of the Mark Twain, making its rounds on the Rivers of America:

Do I miss Cascade Peak? You betcha'! Though admittedly, with the growth of trees, its loss becomes less noticeable (visually) with every passing year. This 2006 shows the Twain in a similar viewpoint, with the addition of the 50th Anniversary decor and the rotting Mine Train (which has now been removed).

The same area as it looks now, minus the rotting Mine Train:

And a recent colorful comparison shot, with Big Thunder Mountain being the obvious difference.:

See more vintage and contemorary Disneyland Railroad photos at my main website.


  1. These are always striking and effective.
    Yes indeed, the real estate over past the Matterhorn where the old motor boats 'cruised' is prime.
    There are two places in the park that are wonderful examples of the natural beauty and growth of the park; that's the 'Rivers of America' and the jungle 'Rivers' of the world....the JC area. How shrewd Walt was to simply let the 'land' tell the story.

  2. Nice B&W! Gee, that picture of the Twain all gussied up for the 50th is yet another example of unfortunate color choices the art directors made. Purple and gold does not improve things; instead it looks like a Las Vegas reject. The elegant white coloration can't be beat (although red, white & blue bunting is OK!).

  3. Ah, the Mark Twain, coming around the bend. What would we do without it? Makes mediocre photographers look good and good photographers look great.

  4. The rotting mine train always made me sad. It also hurts to hear they took it out. I'm confused.

    Thanks Dave.


  5. Your photography keeps getting better Dave! I love the last photo of the Mark Twain. It's beautiful!!!

    What I miss most about Cascade Peak is the kinetic affect it had on the river, not to mention the cooling effect it had on the area and the park. The smaller river and falls only visible for those riding the top decks of the Mark Twain were incredible. Plus no one can argue that falling water makes a wonderful sound (think feng shui here ;-) Any Imagineers out there... bring it back ASAP and make it cave accessible from Big Thunder trail and so you can get it through the accounting don't forget to put a lemonade and ice-cream station inside too.

  6. Matt - You need to be an Imagineer...pronto! So true on the ice cream station.
