Friday, April 15, 2011

Disneyland, July 28, 1958, Pt. 1

Time for another vintage series. The color is a little off (you shoulda' seen these before I got my fingers on 'em!), but I still think they're peachy keen. I get excited whenever I see shots of the Kalamazoo Handcar. Can you believe this cool little detail is still at the park? You probably won't be surprised to learn that I have a photo to prove it.

Sad to say only one of these passenger cars still remains at the park (hint: It's painted red and bears Walt's wife's name).

I probably have at least 2-3 of this same photo for each decade that the park's been open.

For the sake of brevity, I'll only share this one from 2006.

A nice overall shot of Main Street U.S.A., which includes a White Wing and a promotion for the newly launched Columbia.

See...I wasn't making it up!

Don’t want to walk to the castle? Take your pick of transportation:

More 1958 fun coming your way soon! See more vintage and contemporary Disneyland Main Street, U.S.A. photos at my main website.


  1. Friday morning gifts: posters and a white wing. What a wonderful way to start the day.

  2. That's cool! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Wonderful photos! But...what is a white wing??

  4. What a nice bunch of early photos. I do love those posters...

    Connie, a "white wing" is a street sweeper, one who wears a white uniform.

  5. Connie - Yeah, what Major said! Trinidad is the most "famous" White Wing:

  6. Anonymous2:13 PM

    coming soon to DISNEYLAND Railroad. will be on loan from the DISNEY'S BARN. THE 1955 COMBINE. See for more infors.

  7. Anonymous5:41 PM

    The Radio code to Custodial for a "Dropping" by the horses is Code "H"🐎🐎
    and for a Guest getting "Sick" is Code "V" 🤮🤮
