Monday, February 07, 2011

Walt pats a Rhino

From the publicity blurb dated May 14, 1963:

(ADVANCE FOR USE WITH BOB THOMAS STORY IN AMS OF SUNDAY, MAY 19) (LA2-May 14) HOLLYWOOD, May 19 — ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT WILL MAKE IT WORK—Walt Disney pats one of the new creations in his Hollywood studio workshop—a new rhino which goes on display in the near future at Disneyland. Electronic equipment will be installed through the opening at the left, controlling mechanism for making the critter move and make sounds like a live rhino. “The method we use is actually part of the Polaris electronic system,” says Disney. Rubberized skin covers the rhino.

The AP sent out this blurb with the same photo:

ELECTRONIC RHINO is checked at Hollywood studio by Walt Disney, who will install the new creation soon at Disneyland. Electronic equipment will be installed through theopeing at left for controlling mechanism to make the critter move and make sounds like a rhino. (AP Wirephoto).

1964 saw the addition of the African Veldt & Lost/Trapped Safari scenes; classic work by Marc Davis!

This scene is still entertaining today, and bears all of the signatures of Marc Davis’ style, from the explorers right down to the hyenas:

On another topic; I finally finished this painting of Lana Turner & John Garfield that I started over a year ago.

Part of my New Year's Resolution is to get back to the canvas more often this year.

See more Disneyland Jungle Cruise photos at my main website.


  1. Wow, that Rhino has been doing his thing for 47 years! Nice closeup of one of the explorer's, you really can see the Marc Davis influence.

    Great Turner and Garfield painting, haunting yet alluring.

  2. Nice post. I didn't know you'd I miss that?

  3. What a fine sense of humor Marc Davis had. Never obvious, never gauche.

  4. appears that the Hyenas had more of a fur covering over their bodies back in the day and now they seem to have just a touch of it down their backs and the rest of their bodies are a hard painted surface.

    The Postman Always Rings of my favorite classic films. What a wonderful piece, Dave!

  5. Well, it looks like that porter will get the point in the end.

    thanks Dave, nice work.

