Saturday, February 26, 2011

Screen Gem Saturdays: And the winner is...

I have combed my collection for a few Oscar images in honor of tomorrow's impending ceremonies. The first image shows Shirley Temple presenting Walt Disney with the special styled Oscar for "Snow White." Apparently, the Academy DOES have a sense of humor! However at the time, Shirley actually believed that poor Snow White had gotten the shaft:

"I thought Snow White was overlooked. I thought it was an early sexist problem where they left her out. The big one is the one usually presented to who the person is. I mean Snow White wasn't there. I went to the Snow White premiere, and participated in all of the fun and knew Walt Disney, and when I presented this to him it just seemed to me that he was getting the big award and that the 7 dwarves were getting an award and that Snow White herself had been left out. But that's because I was 11 and what did I know anyway?"

This image shows Joan Crawford in bed with an illness, receiving her Oscar for "Mildred Pierce." Note to all nominees at home: make sure you have a pretty bed jacket on in case you win!

One generation of American Sweethearts with the next: Shirley Temple Black and Annette Funicello at the 1961 Oscars. Hayley Mills, the latest child star of the day, was presented with an honorary Academy Award for the most outstanding juvenile performance of 1960. Shirley, arguably the biggest child star of all time, presented the Oscar to Hayley's fellow Disney star, Annette Funicello, since Hayley was unable to attend the ceremony on April 17, 1961 (two months before the premiere of "The Parent Trap").

To see more Hollywood Movie & TV photos, visit my main website.