Thursday, January 06, 2011

Runyon Canyon & Outpost Estates

Just a few blocks up from Hollywood Boulevard is an excellent hiking trail called Runyon Canyon. Once the site of an estate named “The Pines,” it is known as the fabled estate of Errol Flynn; actually, he only stayed in the pool house briefly, but such is the stuff of legend and urban myth. The 1983 Richard Gere movie, “Breathless,” also perpetuated the story with the scenes that were shot on location at Runyon.

The views from the top are amazing, as you can see from these New Year’s Day shots; what a fantastic way to start off 2011!

The Hollywood Sign wasn’t the only iconic piece of signage in the hills of Los Angeles. The twisted metal in these photos is all that’s visibly left of another sign that used to grace this area. The other development was called Outpost Estates and this particular 1924 sign spelled “OUTPOST” in red neon.

Here are some of the remnants of what was once one of the largest neon signs in the world:

One a few of my past hikes I’d seen a large display describing the history of the development and the sign; on my last trip (Saturday), the display was gone. Such is today, gone tomorrow. I should have taken a photo when I had a chance (coulda', shoulda', woulda').

A few other images from my New Year’s Day hike; had never noticed this before:

An impromptu concert by some talented young gents; an unexpected bonus for the New Year:

The hike up the hill is not for the faint of heart; it will definitely make you sweat a little...but the view is truly worth it!

See more Runyon Canyon photos at my Runyon Canyon web page.


  1. Hey, Dave. What a brilliant way to start the New Year. A bit of exercise, a little history, and touch of music too. Great views as well. Nice.

  2. Didn't the estate burn down? I seem to remember something weird...

  3. Stu - I believe you are correct, as there is no estate left, just a lot of remnants, such as foundation and decorative walls.

  4. Wonderful pics, Dave! Great info too. Where do you park to approach this trail? You mentioned it being just up from Hollywood Blvd, but what is the other cross street?

  5. Ok, I did a little research (very little and the "facts" here may be regarded as somewhat dubious). Sure enough, the house burned down. The "weird" part that I was half remembering is that the area is still said to be haunted by Flynn (although since he really had little to to with it, one has to take that with a rather large grain of salt.) The last resident was Ricky Nelson (who died while still living there), whose daughter, Tracy, claimed it was haunted as well. Anyway, if you believe such things or not, it does give the area more "atmosphere."

  6. Great post!!! I've driven around exploring in the general area but have never ventured on foot. Thanks for the great views!

  7. OK - I double dog dare you to go get pictures of the infamous Spiderpool!

  8. Stu - great stories! Chris - Fuller is the street off of Hollywood Boulevard. I rarely drive to Runyon; usually I run from the hotel I am staying at, as parking in the area can be tricky. Fuller is a very steep street, so you'll definitely get a workout even just walking up the hill there! Merritt - you'll have to explain to me what the Spiderpool is!

  9. @Dave - I thought a Hollywood expert like yourself would have known!

    It's been a dream of mine to find my way out there someday...
