Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Yippie Day in Color, Pt. 2

Yippies not only captured Tom Sawyer Island, but with the photos in today’s post taken by Andrew Midkiff, it would appear that they also took over Captain Hook’s Chicken of the Sea Pirate ship as well. As Andrew recalls:

I have no idea what caused the police to come in. I was just having a good time when the cops appeared and I got pushed right out of the park. On Captain Hooks pirate ship something happened but I never found out what, too busy getting high. In the 4th photo, this guy was met by a load of press photographers. At the time I thought he was burning a draft card but like I said I never found out. There were lots of cameras that day and film being shot too. I hope some of it surfaces some day.

See more Disneyland Yippie Day photos at my main website.


  1. Climbing on the ropes of the ship...but they don't know why they got kicked out that day. Hmmm...maybe not respecting the property?? Just a guess....ya...

  2. I remember watching this story on the evening news (back when there was such a thing).
    Good set of post.

  3. The third photo from the top isn't showing up for some reason, Dave.

    In the fourth photo, you can see a group of DL security personnel standing in the extended queue area for Mr. Toad. Looks like they are watching the situation pretty closely. I'm surprised someone didn't fall off of the pirate ship.

  4. Chris - Thanks for the headup. Should load okay now. I must have inhaled too much smoke from today's post!

  5. Ukulele Guy2:54 PM

    If you want more information on the yippie's visit to the park, check out David Koenig's Mouse Tales. It has a section detailing the specific events of that day.

  6. Ukulele Guy - I have read Mouse Tales. David Sacks, the guy who actually put together Yippie Day, contacted me and said this about the so-called "events" that everyone keeps perpetuating:

    "For over 25 years, the Yippies back east never knew how the event came to happen. Michael and I were not into any kind of visible leader thing. We were too anti-authoritarian for that. I made up the schedule. It was pure fiction. Heck, the Black Panther breakfast at Aunt Jemina’s Kitchen was supposedly at 9 am, an hour before Disneyland even opened their doors. The liberation of Tom Sawyer Island was the only event that really happened as scheduled."

    You can read many more first-hand accounts on my site:

