Thursday, September 23, 2010

Traveling Thursdays: Savannah in August, Pt. 2

Did I mention just how humid Savannah could be in August? Living in Southern California, one can easily get spoiled by the mild climate. A few days in Savannah reminded me just how nasty it could be. Even my camera suffered; I had to let it "warm up" whenever I left an air conditioned environment to keep the lens from fogging up. Pics #1 & 2 get their romantic glow from good old fashioned humidity.

Having been to Paula Deen’s fairly commercial establishment in the past, I felt no need to return on this visit. The food is ok, but there are plenty of other local spots without all the fanfare (such as Mrs. Wilkes’).

Garibaldi’s near Ellis Square is a fantastic restaurant located inside an old Firehouse.

Our waiter pointed out the foot prints in the floor that supposedly belonged to the ghost of a man and his son who perished inside the building many years ago. Savannah is full of lore like that...perfect for a little chill up the spine!

Here is the infamous Mercer House, home of the murderous tale written about in “Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil.” The tour inside mentions nothing about “the book” (as it is referred to in Savannah), as the remaining family wishes to avoid such salacious tales.

Over in Forsyth Park, workers were busy cleaning and restoring this beautiful fountain that is the centerpiece of this tranquil area.

For the last meal in Savannah, we chose to go back to The Pink House with our good friend Mary. Yup...another Fried Pork Chop for me.

Meanwhile, in Disney news: Tinker Bell got her own star on Hollywood’s Walk of Fame yesterday, just outside the El Capitan Theater.

Disney Legend Alice Davis was on hand for the gala celebration:

NEXT UP: KEY WEST! See more Savannah, Georgia photos at my main website.


  1. Aw, fabulous post!! Love the info on Savannah and I NEED to go there someday!

  2. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Great pictures. I've never been there. It's on my list!

  3. I wonder how many times a day the waiter tells that story about the ghost's footprints? Still, I do love stuff like that.

    Funny about the Mercer house not wanting to mention "the book"... my guess is that a lot of people are there BECAUSE of the book.

  4. Bingo Major - It's kind of weird; you actually stand in the room where the murder occurred, but the tour guide says nothing about it. Jim Williams' sister attempted to sell the house after her brother died...for about $8 million. Nobody bit, so now she attempts to pay the bills with tours. You get to see the downstairs (4 rooms) for the low low value price of $12.50.

  5. Nice to see Alice Davis. Would have been even better with Margaret Kerry there, too!

  6. Apparently there was a scheduling conflict for Margaret - however, I definitely agree!

  7. Awesome post!!!!
    Have a wish to visit Savannah some day.Nice pictures and good info about Savannah.Thanks for this post....

  8. Love your Savannah photos Dave. All your travel photos and reports so great. Would love to visit Savannah some day.

    and TINK, I love Tink! I'm so glad she's been honored with a Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame! :-)
