Monday, September 20, 2010

October 1964 Batch, Pt. 2

Welcome back to Disneyland, October 1964. This scene from the African Veldt section of the Jungle Cruise just screams Marc Davis, the comic genius behind its design.

Shot number 2 is no longer a mystery to me thanks to Outside The Berm. Apparently it was a stage for the Dixieland/Big Band concerts held on The Rivers of America. Note the finished (but still unoccupied) Haunted Mansion in the background.

The Columbia and Bertha Mae take a much needed rest in Fowler’s Harbor.

As our journey aboard the Mark Twain contains around the Rivers of America, we see two views of the Indian Village (now Critter Country) on the left-hand side of the ship.

My fave—the Burning Cabin in all its grizzly glory!

Things seem purty calm at the Indian Settlement:

Last but not least, a back-side view of Fort Wilderness:

View more Disneyland Frontierland photos at my main website.


  1. Holy cow, I am totally confused by that construction on the island!!

  2. Given the date, the construction must have been for the 1964 edition of Dixieland at Disneyland.

  3. One of the most unusual pictures I have ever seen. Thanks for posting that one.

  4. I would have guessed "Dixieland at Disneyland" due to the location of the construction, but have never seen any photos with a structure like that. Fascinating!

  5. Stymied. Completely.

    Settler's cabin makes up for all.


  6. Guys, it appears we still have a mystery. I found this site with pictures of Dixieland at Disneyland and unless there is still something else out there that I haven't found, that construction on the island is still unexplained. Check out this site:

  7. i love your blog! these memories are overwhelming.

  8. Connie, those pictures are of the bandstand, which was never exclusively the performance location (sometimes it was concentrated, sometimes it was dispersed) for the Dixieland at Disneyland event (which featured multiple Dixieland/jazz groups).

  9. Dave - Your excellent construction shot is of the 1963 Big Bands / Dixieland stage. I've posted a photo from our collection if you want to have a look at how it was presented that year. Enjoy!

  10. As for the discrepancy between the 1963 date on the 'berm photo and the 1964 date on Dave's photo, I believe it's 1964, despite the official banner on the 'berm tunnel photo.

  11. It’s possible that both dates are correct, and that my photo shows the tearing apart (as opposed to the construction) of the platform.

  12. Good thinking, but there's a dandy clue in there that points to 1964: the weather vane on the HM has only one sail! I believe you've got a November '63 shot in your collection proving that it still had all three sails at that point. There are a bunch of photos showing that by mid-64 only one was left. Geeky, yes, but handy sometimes!

  13. Ugh. Scratch that. I just realized that my point is irrelevant to your point. Coffee, I need coffee...
