Sunday, September 19, 2010

October 1964 Batch, Pt. 1

This series from Fall 1964 begins with a colorful synthetic bang, showcasing the plastic flowers, fruits, and vegetables that guests could purchase from the Flower Market on West Center Street (where the Carnation Cafe is currently located).

This busy shot has plenty of movement: Skyway buckets floating over the Submarine attraction while the Monorail track snakes its way through the borders Tomorrowland and Fantasyland.

Over at the castle, this vintage view gives us plenty to look at once we zoom in.

A buxom and heavily gussied-up Italian princess seems to begging her reluctant sweetheart to carry her across the drawbridge into Fantasyland.

Caught in the act; must have been a horrible itch!

Over in Storybook Land, the gardener is doing a little touch-up work to the Patchwork Quilt area:

These two shots taken from the Sub are now impossible to duplicate. The lagoon looks crystal clear.

The Clock of the World is visible in front of the America The Beautiful exhibit; only a few years before the Clock’s time would run out.

View more Disneyland photos at my main website.


  1. There are flowers and a mountain, guest gilding across the sky. There is a castle with beauty and an itch of the nose, not a poke in the eye.

    A quilt under repair. I see 'Grays' with bubbles rising to the air. Look, an Alweg in silver and blue. There is a clock for every place and zone, not casting a hue.

    It is October of 1964 and he was still with us, albeit in diminished fire and passion, the sky was still clear and all seemed well.

  2. I miss the days when people dressed nice.

  3. Zowie, the Italian princess is a whole lotta woman!

  4. Mike - ditto. I see some of the slobs at the park nowadays and just cringe. Disneyland used to be a special occasion; nowadays, not so much.

    Major - very well put!

    Thufer - was that off the cuff? If so, pretty brilliant for an early Sunday morning!

  5. She looks like Snookie! (Or is it spelled "Snooky"? I don't watch that show!)

  6. Great pictures. A little story in every one, sometimes more than one.

    For example, that cookie in the white dress...yowza, and the lady with the itch, too funny to have both in one shot.

    Thufer is a poet, no doubt about it. It doesnt have to rhyme.

    I wonder how long it will take to have good taste come back? Or, is it gone for good?

    Thank you Dave.


  7. Anonymous5:49 AM

    I miss the days when people knew their grammar – yes, Mike, I'm looking at you. And as for dressing, I've even seen men wearing hats during dinner recently at DL!

  8. Thank you, yes; I simply react to the pictures. I try and place myself into them and comment to the time. That one just turned out that way; I was not intentionally trying to write a poem, just expressing my thoughts.
