Sunday, August 29, 2010

Knott’s Interlude

That durn Chris Merritt; him and his fantastic book on Knott’s Berry Farm actually has me checking out vintage views of the park! Here is a nice selection of four shots from May 1960, back when Knott’s was a restaurant that had a little bit of homespun entertainment on the side.

These fun little notices from Ghost Town helped pass the time while patrons waited for the lines to die down at Cordelia’s Restaurant.

This uncluttered view of Boot Hill Cemetery cannot be duplicated today, as all kinds of crazy rollercoasters and other newfangled contraptions detract from the scenery.

View more Knott’s Berry Farm photos at my main website.


  1. That's a great Stage Coach photo, and I love the bulletin board picture as well!

  2. Plus we get a great shot of Marilyn and Cecilia, the Claude Bell sculptures. I haven't seen them around the Farm lately....I wonder what happened to them?

  3. That is a remarkably ideal photo of Andy Griffith's brother with the sculptures. Best such I've seen. Really. Perfect framing, perspective, everything.

    Never seen that bulletin board. I suppose you needed another photo interest like California's needy need another budget cut, but at least unlike the latter it's not serious and you'll end up enjoying yourself. So smile, you pick good habits! :) Thanks Dave!

  4. Ha Ha, I remember my Dad getting chewed out for posing with the plaster "floozies".

    I wondered then what a floozy was...?

    Thanks for these.


  5. Those are some stunning shots (I wouldn't expect any less from you Dave)! Thanks for the plug - it's hard to judge if people are still enjoying the book from 1/2 way around the world...
