Monday, August 23, 2010

Glorious 1950’s Black & White, Pt. 3

The Mine Train is rounding the bend at the Nature’s Wonderland attraction today. With the incredible theming and detailing of Rainbow Ridge, this one photo provides at least two good detailed views.

Here we can see the sign for the Mineral Hall Exhibit, sponsored by the Black Light Corporation of America.

Here you can see the business of the Notary Public & Calligrapher.

On the actual attraction itself, Disney Imagineers created a “Living Desert” for guests to marvel over as their Mine Train took them on their tour of Nature’s Wonderland.

In this detailed view, you can see a fox or perhaps a coyote somewhat hidden in a mini-cave:

Is this Disneyland? It sure is. This view of mud and young trees is part of the Nature’s Wonderland attraction. There were actually times that even Walt Disney had to wait for nature to take its course for the vegetation and landscaping to grow.

Today, Nature’s Wonderland is nothing but a memory. It morphed into a roller-coaster type thrill attraction called Big Thunder Mountain. Tony Baxter and his team were able to incorporate Rainbow Ridge into the layout, thus keeping a piece of early Disneyland History.

View more Disneyland Nature’s Wonderland photos at my main website.


  1. In the Disneyland episode "An Adventure in the Magic Kingdom" the animal in the cave is identified as a "Mama coyote." The sad thing is that I knew that...

  2. LOL, Stu! That's not sad!

    It looks like there were bones outside the entrance of the Mama Coyote's cave.

  3. Thanks for the support, Tokyo!

  4. Ah the 50's! When red was light gray and green was dark gray.

  5. Love that top pic, Dave. Plus your newer pics of the ridge at Big Thunder are super. :)

  6. Talk about a trip back in time!

  7. I see the power lines again in that middle shot.

    Obviously these photos were taken before people could see colors. Quite a long time indeed.

    (I gave that explanation to my children to explain color TV "well, these films were made before people could see colors")
