Thursday, April 08, 2010

Tell-No-Tales Thursdays: Hidden Details

Because the attraction is so dark, it’s easy to miss scenes and props as you ride through POTC. This tower is located at the end of the Wicked Wench Pirate battle scene, just as you are entering the scene of Carlos being dunked.

Right next to the tower is this area of the fortress:

Daveland reader and consistent commenter (always appreciated!) stu29573 has sent in photos of Moonliner model that he created from scratch for a contest. When I asked him how tall it was, his response was: “23 inches high—that’s 1/124 scale of the actual proposed vehicle (not the 1/3 scale model that was actually in Tomorrowland). When you’re a rocket nerd, such things are important!” Stu - no need to explain; I love detailed info like that! Stu even got this baby in the air: “I got several hundred feet out of her and brought her down on a parachute with just a busted footpad for damage!”

To read more about Stu's model, check out these 2 pdfs:


See more Disneyland Pirates of the Caribbean photos at my website.


  1. My congratulations to stu...that rocked is beautiful!

  2. WOW, Stu's model rocks! Amazingly true to the real thing. How could he have the courage to actually launch this thing? If anything had happened to it... well, thank goodness it looks as good as new.

  3. Thanks guys! Yeah, Major, it was REALLY nerve wracking seeing it fly into the sky!! Still, I might fly it one more time to get an "in-flight" picture... (famous last words)

  4. Beautiful model. Great work Stu!

  5. Yes, Stu, would love to see footage of that rocket heading skyward! Great job.
