Thursday, March 04, 2010

Tell-No-Tales Thursdays: Jolly Roger comparison

This post was inspired from an email asking me about when the change occurred on the Jolly Roger talking skull that greets visitors just as they are about to plunge down the waterfall. This first photo I snapped in October 1995. #2 is from 2002:

The 3rd shot is from 2007. I am not sure how many other incarnations existed. Experts? I also received a request for a photo of the entrance queue scene where “Pirates of the Caribbean” was written out in pinpoint lights. I am still looking!

And a recent shot with no flash:

This just in from Bill Sauder, Daveland Blog reader; here is a screen shot from the Disney World of Color show that introduced America to Pirates:

See more Disneyland Pirates of the Caribbean photos at my website.


  1. I think this change was a good one, the newest is excellent.

  2. Oh oh, I'm slipping...I usually notice stuff like this but this one went right over my head...pun intended!

  3. Yes, gotta admit that the new one is better!

  4. Thanks Dave, now I know I'm not crazy. I could have sworn the "old" skull had an eye-patch and the new one didn't - presumably to make it more Jack Sparrow like. I agree that the change is an improvement though, and the audio is much better!

  5. I've noticed small changes over the years, but you can really see it in these photos. Agreed the current one is the best, I want one for my entryway at home.

  6. The new skull is beautifully done. The old skull (on the red diamond) basically goes back to the opening of the show.

  7. I believe that when the attraction opened, the skull was wearing a red polka dot bandana and the swords were upright (as they are in the second photo).

  8. Oh man, I can just smell that signature damp air and hear the screams below as the ambient sounds of the bayou fade away!

  9. the new one is great and they have improved the sound quality throughout the ride. it's nice to actually be able to understand the track.
