Thursday, March 18, 2010

Tell-No-Tales Thursdays: A Blurry Trip, November 1978

I try to steer clear of the blurry shots, but some shots, due to their historic nature or rarity, just deserve to be shown. So, I am sharing some of these less-than-perfect shots from November 1978, with a November 1970 exterior shot to begin with.

I’ll try to “sharpen” things up a bit more for my next post! See more Disneyland Pirates of the Caribbean photos at my main website.


  1. It's all good :-) Heck, these interior pics look just like the ones I take so I feel right at home. They do have a nice glow to them...

  2. Maybe after the Encyclopedia Britannica film strips have run their course, you can have "Second-hand Saturdays" for all those not-so-perfect pictures with the dents and missing labels but that are still full of Wholesome Disney Goodness.

  3. I'm with you on blurry photos like these. In fact.. you've inspired me to share some less than sharp Disneyland pictures on my next post. Cheers!
