Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Indian Joe, October 1959

One of the touchstones for me is seeing Indian Joe—both the Main Street and the Frontierland versions. He has always been a popular photo opportunity, by witnessed from these October 1959 images.

It is interesting to compare him to the present-day version; the knife has definitely been downplayed by putting a painted "sheath" over the originally shiny "blade" from 1959.

The headband also has a different pattern than its predecessor; overall, the original seemed to be painted in much more vibrant colors.

See more Disneyland Frontierland photos at my regular website.


  1. Nice photos, and thanks for pointing out the changes (like that knife blade, which I don't think I paid attention to before!).

  2. Now you've got me wanting to go through boxes of old photos looking for those shots I just know we took with Indian Joe!

  3. Get busy Connie - I want to see them!

  4. I was tickled to see this, as we have just come home from Disneyland - and for the first time ever, we took pictures with Indian Joe!
    I didn't even know his name....
