Friday, March 12, 2010

D23 1 Year Anniversary Event, Pt. 1

Wednesday, I took the train up to Anaheim to attend the D23 First Year Anniversary Event in Fantasyland. Naturally, I arrived early so that I could take some pics around the park. Today’s portion of this tale will focus on my trip report. First up: Mr. Lincoln! Couldn’t wait to see ol’ Abe again; he still looks great...just love it when he rises up out of that chair.

After Abe, I just made it in time for the next train at the Main Street Train Station. Snapped a few shots at my 2nd fave station in Frontierland/New Orleans. Unlike its counterpart in Florida, Anaheim’s stations (and especially the areas in-between) are rich with theming and things to see.

By taking the train, I was also able to get a glimpse of the work still going on over at the Rivers of America, specifically the Burning Cabin section.

A temporary delay at the Toontown Depot helped me get some closeups of the Matterhorn and this vintage booth that has seen many uses over the years:

I stepped off the train in Tomorrowland to catch Captain EO; you’ll have to be patient until next week to read about that.

Before dinner, I thought I’d “kill” some time at the Haunted Mansion (pun intended). Nothing really new popped out...

Just the usual deadbeats...

By now I was purty damn hungry, so I went to the French Market for some of their tasty Jambalaya.

The rest of the time, I snapped these photos after the park closed for the night, which is why you will see virtually no people.

Hold that thought...more coming very soon! See more Disneyland photos at my regular website.


  1. So does anyone ever say anything about your camera in the Opera House?

    Great night time photos - WOW!

    Neat Burning(?) cabin photos, I wonder where they are going to park the Gullywhumper? I'm guessing off to the right were there is a spot to pull in, looks like they are working in that area.

    Can't wait to see the rest, I guess I should have joined D23? I didn't even know about this event.

    Thanks for reporting on this for those that didn't go :-)

  2. Isn't the Park awesome after hours? Great photos!!!

  3. Fantastic photos! I love the way you captured the atmosphere (the feeling, not the air) of NOS!

  4. The decapitated head of the Burger King is at Disneyland?

    Great night shots, how come they didn't kick you out after hours?

  5. Tim - Don't ask don't tell. Connie - couldn't agree with you more; the park at night is like a totally different place than in the daytime. Stu - I am still laughing. Major: The Burger King head goes along with the french fry smell from the Disneyland Trains now that they use a sustainable mixture of vegetable oil for fuel. After hours pictures were courtesy of the D23 Event (see headline).

  6. The night shots are absolutely fantastic!


  7. Wow, the night shots are gorgeous. Look at the lack of people. I can't wait to hear more about the event.
