Thursday, February 25, 2010

Tell-No-Tales Thursdays: More Grotto

Hope you enjoy these "flash-free" photos!

This poor feller is plum tuckered out; just needs a little rest. ETERNAL rest.

And one from my evil flash-photographing days before I reformed. As if a sword in the back wasn’t bad enough, now this poor feller has crabs.

Back to flash-free:

A few more recent shots taken in the mysterious grotto; love that blue lighting on the rocks and waterfalls. Most guests probably miss the skull & crossbone projection after the two drops.

See more Disneyland Pirates of the Caribbean photos at my website.


  1. I know it's supposed to be creepy, but I always find this part of the ride so peaceful and relaxing.

  2. Disneyland's version is SO MUCH BETTER than WDW!!!

  3. Beautiful shots, the no-flash pix are the best! They really came out great considering the extremely low light levels.

  4. Will - it's a great setup, isn't it? Stu - having just been to Orlando, I have to agree!

  5. Those are some really nice pics of the grotto Dave - great job!

  6. Those are some really nice pics of the grotto Dave - great job!

  7. Great grotto pics. I find this part of the ride peaceful too. It's so quiet and oh, the smell. And well done you for reforming your flashy ways. ;)

  8. it's okay to be flashy....just not in the photography areas of life.
