Thursday, January 28, 2010

Tell-No-Tales Thursdays: Exterior Queue

If I’ve been on a ride at DLand before, it is a rare occasion that I will stand in line for more than 15 minutes to wait for it. However, when I have guests in from out of town, waiting in line is just a fact of life. Can’t have them missing POTC, right? So, the occasion that I took this photo was the first time I had ever seen this Lion statue to the left of the building as you wind around it in the queue. Just another cool detail to help you pass the time. I love the details; some don’t notice them, some don’t care, but these details are what keep the line queue from being a bore.

Here are shots of the themed wait sign and the fountain at the base of the stairway.

And a close-up of the attraction sign you see as you enter under the crossover bridge in New Orleans Square.

See more Disneyland Pirates of the Caribbean photos at my website.


  1. Hey I never noticed that lion before - thanks!

    So true about waiting in lines when you have out of town guests, Summer 2008 I waited over an hour for Indy, ugh, but I did see parts of the queue lines I've never seen before!

  2. When you're waiting in line for a ride, you're going to be spending more time with the queue theming than anything in the actual attraction. It's great the Disney invests in that kind of theming it's an under-estimated part of the visitor's experience.
