Monday, January 11, 2010

The Gullywhumper

As my previous poll showed, quite a few readers miss the Keel Boats. Today’s post shows a nice clear image (albeit undated) of The Gullywhumper. The detail shot shows what appears to be a cast member wearing a flannel coat that perhaps came from the Pendleton Shop in Frontierland?

See more Disneyland Keel Boat photos at my website.


  1. I believe that's an early shot of the original Gully Whumper. Its replacement had three side windows..

    From what I've read, the original Keel Boats at Disneyland were actually from the movies (with a few upgrades for guest use) but they didn't last long so the "replacements" were made pretty early in their history.

    BRING BACK THE GULLY WHUMPER! She's just sitting back stage (all nice & dry) ready for her triumphant return to the Rivers of America. Come on Tony B. if anyone can get this done its you! Tie it in to the 55th Celebration.

  2. That is a spiffy flannel coat... most Disneyland photos (even winter pictures) don't show people bundled up at all.

  3. Where the heck is the Gullywhumper docked in this photo? Is that Tom Sawyer Island? Sure looks like it - both the boat and the dock are facing the wrong way for it to be on the "mainland." If so, this is the only photo I've ever seen of one of the keel boats docked at the Island. Does anyone know if this was a regular practice in the early years? Could you take the Gullywhumper or the Bertha Mae to TSI? My memories go back to the early 60's but I have no recollection of this.
