Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Aunt Jemima Ephemera

As I continue to enjoy my time off, the posts might be a little slow! Today I present a number of paper items that a reader was kind enough to send to me so that I could share them with everyone. If you were a traveler back in the day, then this handy-dandy Aunt Jemima’s Kitchen Restaurant Locator/Brochure would be a must for you!

A meal at the kitchen would not be complete without this colorful paper placemat:

And last but not least, to wipe up the syrup you'll need a napkin!

Many thanks to the generous reader who sent in these items. See more Disneyland Aunt Jemima restaurant photos at my website.


  1. I find the Aunt Jemima ephemera interesting in so many ways. Double plus thanks to the generous reader who shared these rare tidbits.

  2. Yum, I needs me some flapjacks.
