Friday, November 13, 2009

Freaky Fridays @ The Haunted Mansion: There's Always My Way

There are certain photos to take at Disneyland that I get obsessed with; photos that are next to impossible to capture, and yet I try to think of creative ways to keep improving with every attempt. The hanging guy in the elevator of the Haunted Mansion is such a shot. It was for shots like this that I bought my new camera. I still feel I can do better, but these mark a vast improvement over what I have been able to shoot in the past. This is the point in the attraction that separates the little ones from the adults. If kids can make it past this point, they're home free.

See more Disneyland Haunted Mansion photos at my website.


  1. Great photos Dave, This has always been a favorite moment in the ride for me. Such a simple stage illusion with a scrim but to maximum effect.

  2. Great photos Dave, that has to be one of the hardest spots to photograph. I tried once, left the flask on by mistake, got a lousy pic & yelled at by the CM...

    Even as an adult, its still a pretty scary effect.


  3. Even as a kid I knew that this moment was particularly gruesome for a Disney attraction. "There's a corpse - from a suicide - hanging from the ceiling!". With the lights going out and then the thunder and lightning... pretty cool!!

  4. hehe very kewl

    You're right. It's the moment the ride gets "serious," after a fashion.

    How are you at pictures in the Matterhorn? ;)

  5. Chiana - I'll let you be the judge!
