Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sailing Through Sundays on The JC: Another Interlude

Stuck in the rainforest a little while longer, I am including this list of boat names and their “descriptions.” While you are downloading that, feast your eyes on these great 1955 shots of Schweitzer Falls and The Back Side of Water, courtesy Kevin Kidney.

Hey, don’t try this at home under the faucet—you might hurt yourself!

Meanwhile, in other news: the other day I mentioned the cool auctions over at Swann Galleries. Here’s another way cool item that you JC fans should check out:

See more Disneyland Jungle Cruise photos at my website.


  1. It would have been neat if Schweitzer Falls had been as elaborate as that artwork shows. Great color photos of the rockwork being created, are they still from some of that amazing construction footage seen on the last Disneyland DVD?

  2. Those construction photos give me palpitations! Stop it!

    How old is that list of JC boat names and what's the real story why two boats are "missing"?

    This JC poster at auction is completely new to me. Looks early 70's. Was it for use at United Air Lines counters (as opposed to in-Park use?)

  3. I'd love to see that same aerial shot showing how it looks today! I didn't know the pool of water above/behind Schweitzer Falls was that big.

  4. By the way, I used to see those United Air Lines Jungle Cruise posters fairly regularly at various collector's shows for between $150 and $300, and I never bought one. Do I feel stupid? Yep!

  5. Major - Not sure where Kevin got them from. Katella - The list of names is from a former skipper who sent them to me. I am "guessing" it is from the last 5-10 years...but not sure. Lonnie - get me a helicopter and I'd be happy to shoot you that photo!

  6. Anonymous11:27 AM

    About those falls, they really didn't hurt. Trust me on this. I was on a skiff that sank under them and had to swim to the nearest JC boat amidst the laughter of the skipper and crew. (No joke!)
