Friday, July 10, 2009

Rainbow Ridge, 1970’s: Pt. 2

3 more views of my Rainbow Ridge set. Oh to be able to get this close to my favorite “western” town!

See more Disneyland Nature’s Wonderland Mine Train photos at my website.


  1. Anonymous9:43 AM

    I consider myself darn lucky to have had the opportunity to work the attraction back in the 70s. While I still enjoy the park these days, there is something definitely missing in the simple charm that NWRR provided. It truly took you away over a 10-12 minute period. Evenings and nighttime were magical...especially during the fireworks while on the trestle. I feel old!

  2. I thought that the Mine Train was closed the day these were taken, but you can see people reflected in the window of the 2nd photo. I assume that they are either in line or in a train car... didn't the photographer take any photos of the attraction?

  3. I'm drooling over these!

  4. In the second pic, there's another cool wanted post on the fence. I wish the photographer would've taken a close-up of that one too! Thanks for sharing these great pics, I love the detail of Rainbow Ridge too.
