Friday, July 03, 2009

Disneyland: The First Summer, Pt. 8

Today is the last post in this series, featuring two shots that show the Stagecoach path as well as the Miniature Horse Corral inhabitants.

Oh how I wish this photo showed the complete sign on the left. The things this poorly cropped image does to a signage-geek like me!

Yes, I know it’s blurry, but still thought I’d include this not often seen portion of the Pack Mule trail, with Chicken of the Sea Pirate Ship visible in the background. Now that’s what I call juxtaposition!

Last but not least, a beautiful shot of the majestic Mark Twain:

See more Disneyland Frontierland photos at my website.


  1. Stunning series of the parks first summer, the last shot of the Mark Twain is a perfect ending, WOW! Too bad we can't see the entire sign in the 3rd pic, I do like the metal electrical conduit on the side of the wooden light post, its all in the details. THANKS DAVE!

  2. The Castle in the first picture juxtaposed against the Frontier . . . very cool. Thanks Dave.

  3. Those are some wonderful early photos. No "land" looked as raw as Frontierland did in that first year - which is why these are so great!

    Always love seeing the Yellowstone Coach.
