Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Disneyland: The First Summer, Pt. 7

Welcome to the very unspoiled frontier of Frontierland, Summer 1955. Before you enter these gates to the wilderness, you might want to get a snack from the vendor. If not, mosey on over to the Miniature Horse Corral and take a gander around.

This detailed closeup shows a poster for Buffalo Plug Tobacco. Yum! Sounds delicious. I don’t believe you can get this stuff in the park today...or even see an advertisement for it! You can also see one of the Conestoga Wagons in the background, getting ready for a journey through Frontierland.

See more Disneyland Frontierland photos at my website.


  1. Very rare photo. I'm not sure I've ever seen one so clear of the corral and blacksmith shop.

  2. WOW, that is one fantastic photo of the Miniature Horse Corral!!

  3. I love pictures of these long-gone corners of Disneyland.

  4. Wow! So different! If it weren't for the bit of the Mark Twain in the background of the first photo, I don't think I'd even recognize the park!

  5. Wow - seeing the horse corral in color is certainly a treat...

  6. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Hey Dave! Love these shots!

    Quick query: I saw an old 1955 Disneyland map by Bank of America that highlighted a Shooting Gallery in Frontierland, but it was during this era when the Miniature Horse Corral stood in place of the modern shooting gallery. Do you remember if perhaps there was an earlier, smaller version somewhere in Frontierland, maybe indoors?

  7. Anonymous - I was born in the 60s, so I don't remember of any that stuff! Ha!

    1. Anonymous12:46 PM

      Birth in the 60s might make it hard to have memories of the 50s lol. Well, it doesn't sound like it's come up in your research or photos then either. That 1955 map reference might just have to stay a mystery. Thanks for your time!
