Saturday, July 18, 2009

25th Anniversary Photo

Daveland reader Sheryl kindly allowed me to post this photo from her father: a 1980 25th Anniversary Cast Member photo. Anybody care to start identifying the people in the shot? I’ll start off with one of the easiest: Bob Gurr, 3rd from the left in the front row. And of course, Mickey, front and center!

See more Disneyland photos at my website.


  1. Ron Dominquez (I think?) second from left, front row.

  2. Another anniversary come & gone. Thanks for all the great stuff Dave. Over 1000 Posts - keep up the great work!

  3. Dick Nunis, standing in the last spot at the right.

  4. Jack Lindquist is second in on the right, first row. Ran Van De Warker at the far left of the second row. John Catone in first row (kneeling) at far left. I think Owen Pope is in the back in the cowboy hat, with Dollie Pope next to him.

  5. I think that's Bob Penfield standing next to Ray. Any chance of a higher resolution image?

  6. Jason–check your mailbox.

  7. Alas, no luck at identifying others. I believe I've seen a similar picture to this elsewhere--of original Cast Members in the 25th anniversary year--but my search so far has failed to turn it up. I'll get back to you within the next ten years!
