Thursday, June 04, 2009

3 Year Blog Anniversary!

Today is the 3 year anniversary of my first Disneyland photo blog. Hard to believe. I remember after my first month of posting I thought, “How the heck am I going to have enough material to keep this thing going for a year?!?” Well, continually inspired by my original “muses,” Patrick & David, this blog still limps along. Some posts are a little less than stellar (sharp-eyed readers can probably figure out when my schedule has me stretched a little too thin), but still, I am pretty to be still here. So on that note, I present my first of the final two Treasure Tone images. This shot of the Chicken Plantation is almost a dead ringer for the Blue Bayou Restaurant found in the Pirates of the Caribbean attraction. With this night-time view, it is not difficult to see much more than a passing resemblance between the two.

The last one is of Main Street at night. It truly is a beautiful street at night with the gas lamps glowing and the electric lights outlining the Crystal and Penny Arcades. Sure makes it difficult to leave.

So for my 3 year anniversary, I will leave you with some recently shot images from one of my favorite parties of all time. Have no fear—I heeded the warning of the Ghost Host—no flash was used in taking these photos!

Be sure to raise a toast for another three years!

And don’t forget to “hurry back...” as you never know what I might be posting here!

Thanks for all the help over these three years—it is truly appreciated! See more Disneyland photos at my website.


  1. Dave! 3 years of outstanding delivery. Thank you; and please continue.

  2. "Seems like only yesterday"... Congrats on 3 years, come to think of it, was there ever a time before "Daveland"?

    All of your posts are great, stellar-ness is not required on each one, but often that's the case. These Treasure Tones are stellar plus! The Plantation/Blue Bayou resemblance is uncanny.

    Hey those are amazing shots in the grave yard, I wouldn't even try that, WOW - "Don't forget to bring your death certificate".. More stellar-ness... THANKS DAVE!

  3. Congratulations on your long-running and most enjoyable blogification of Disneyland.

    Today's theme must have been "Beauty of the Night"... since they are all night (or faux night) shots, from the highly evocative Plantation Restaurant to everybody's favorite specter band, the Cryptic Quintet.

  4. Happy Anniversary, Dave! I look forward to reading your blog every single day. Thank you for all the work that you do!

  5. Congrats! Congrats! Congrats!

    I have enjoyed Daveland tremendously ever since stumbling on it years ago.

    More importantly, I feel like I have developed a great friendship!!!

  6. Congratulations Dave! Don't apologize, all of the posts are great, I defnitely know how much work it can be to post basically every day. And you post more photos than anybody (certainly more than me)!

  7. Thank you for the generous sprinkling of Disney seeds in my path during my short so-far, here, at blogspot! The Magical Garden is growing nicely! CONGRATULATIONS and keep up the lovely blogs. You make Walt proud!

  8. Thanks so much for the ongoing education in Disneyland history. Daveland is entertaining, of course -- but it's also been quite a learning experience.

    I already had a general knowledge of what was in the park during various eras. But the seemingly endless stream of great photos at Daveland (and a few other blogs) have put it all in context and provided a real sense of what Disneyland was like in the 1950s and 1960s. Daveland is the next best thing to a Disneyland time machine.

    Keep up the good work, my friend.

  9. Happy Anniversary, and congratulations on putting together a stupendous group of blogs. I've been enjoying them for at least a couple of your years here, and look forward to many more. This is one of my favorite places to visit.

  10. SundayNight5:56 PM

    Gosh that Plantation Restaurant image is beautiful.
    Thanks Dave, for your hard work keeping the Blog going. It’s a delight.

  11. Cheers to you Dave!

    What a lot of posts - I've seen every one of them too! Yes, I guess that I'm as addicted as anyone. And as happily as anyone. Happiest blog on the internet? Well it makes me happy anyway. Many more posts (and toasts!) to you. :)

  12. Dave, From one of your fans whom you have truly helped. It has been fun and I've enjoyed all your work. It took me forever to go back and read all your previous posts but what a ride!

  13. Congrats on your anniversary! I'm a new reader, but have been enjoying your blog immensely lately! :)

  14. Sorry I'm late to the party! But congratulations. Your blog truly brings to mind the lyrics:

    Disneyland, Disneyland
    Come and live it once again.
    It's the happiest part of growing,
    Growing up!

    Best wishes on your anniversary!

    J. Jeff Kober

  15. Congrats on the anniversary...hope i get there! Love the nighttime photos. Those Haunted Mansion pics are amazing.

    Jay from Disney's Folly
