Sunday, May 24, 2009

1950’s Disneyland Visit: Frontierland

Get ready for a few days in Frontierland, starting off with this incredibly beautiful shot of Tom Sawyer's Island. The Dixieland Bandstand is still located on the right side of the photo, which means the Chicken Plantation is still serving up some Swift Fried Chicken on the left.

Today's post drops us off at the Indian Village, which appears to be devoid of Indians!

See more Disneyland current Frontierland photos at my website.


  1. Nothing says "Welcome to Disneyland. I am toxic." like oleander.

  2. Nice shot of the Indian Village, there's something about the juxtaposition of ladies in skirts and guys in shirts and ties, and then the rustic tipis...

  3. The one thing that always impresses me most about old Disneyland photos is how barren the place looked back then. I think it looks so much nicer since the trees have had time to grow and fill things in!

  4. I love the top pic - I wanna go there. :)

    First stop: Chicken Plantation. :p
