Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Holidays at Disneyland, Pt. 1

It’s the holidays, and while I am out doing my last minute shopping at Trader Joe's and Whole (Paycheck) Foods for Christmas Dinner, you can all relax at home and view today’s blog entry, devoted to Christmas/Holidays at Disneyland. Picture 1 & 2 are most likely from 1956, and show The Christmas Bowl, which was the precursor to The Candlelight Processional (which began in 1958). These photos were taken at Magnolia Park and show the Bandstand that moved from Town Square, Central Plaza, and finally Magnolia Park in Adventureland. Check out the poor schmuck pic 2, balancing a table on his nose?!? The things people will do for attention.

Here’s a nice publicity shot from 1963 showing the Disneyland Carolers, with the Matterhorn Star towering over the background:

A few years ago, I took the Holiday Tour at Disneyland, and the guide pointed out the door on Main Street that belonged to Benjamin Silverstein, the Jewish Doctor. Naturally, this provided a nice segue for the guide to talk about Hanukkah and the Jewish Traditions.

This year was the first year I had noticed a Menorah on Main Street, shining in one of the windows on the west side of the street above the Fortuosity Shop (previously the Upjohn Pharmacy).

And even though there was much ballyhoo about Disneyland having an artificial tree for the first time, it would be difficult to notice unless you looked up close, as the "tree" is literally jammed with ornaments.

New Orleans Square is one of my favorite places in the park to visit during the holidays; it looks like Mardi Gras & Christmas all in one:

For those of you celebrating the Holidays, hope you have a safe and happy one. See more vintage & current Disneyland Christmas/Holiday photos at my regular website.


  1. Anonymous7:27 AM

    The menorah has actually been in the windows for years, since before 2005 when I started working at the park. It most likly has been around since IASWH started as it displays Kwanza in the Africa section... making at least 1 reference of both Holidays somewhere in the park.

  2. Nice spot of the Menorah, I've never seen it either. Great Christmas Bowl photos, super rare! Yeah, the new "artificial" tree looks pretty much like last years real one. Is this the first year they used a fake tree?

    Merry Christmas Dave! Thanks for all your hard and quality work on your blog and website, still an huge inspiration for me to keep posting!

  3. A Christmas message from Richard on board the Viewliner Limited:

    May this Christmas end the present year on a cheerful note
    and make way for a fresh and bright new year.

    Here's wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  4. Evan - thanks for the details. Tim - Although this is the first year for a fake tree, I believe the trees of yore have been "fluffed out" with a few fake branches, or so I've been told. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you as well - this blog has brought many bright spots for me in '08!

  5. Merry Christmas, Dave! Thank you for all the spectacular eye-candy you've given us this year.
