Saturday, December 06, 2008

Disneyland in Glorious B&W, 1955, Pt. 2

Picking up from yesterday, we are still at the Main Street Train Station. The family is aboard the Grand Canyon Passenger Car, which was converted into the VIP Parlour Car The Lilly Belle, about 20 years after this photo was taken. You can see in this present day shot that they did a nice job of keeping the same ornamentation on the ceiling:

Back at the waiting area in vintage photo #2, you can see the exteriors of Retlaw 1, the first fleet of passenger cars at Disneyland.

Back in Town Square, there’s not a whole lot going on for the Fire Department, so the Chemical Wagon looks like it’s getting ready to take a spin around the block without any guests.

Yesterday’s post had requests for 2 closeups; in the first one, I still have no idea what is around this girl’s neck, other than just a gaudy piece of jewelry.

In detail shot #2, I can see the wires from this utility pole, so it looks like it was actually still carrying some juice somewhere into the park or backstage office area.

See more vintage & current Disneyland Railroad photos at my regular website.


  1. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Your photos make one feel like Marcel Proust, in Search of Time
    Lost. He did regain that time, with his unparalleled writing intensity. Perhaps we, Disney fans, will discover our way to regain Disney too.

  2. Thanks for taking the extra time to investigate, Dave! It looked like some huge orb in yesterday's post, but in your first pic today, I think I can see it swinging forward as she bends over and it looks flat. Love the huge pointy collar too. Great pics....can't wait for the next installment. Thanks again!

  3. Anonymous3:49 PM

    These are beautiful. That Chemical Wagon shot is excellent. Really has that small town feeling.

  4. Wonderful shot from inside the train!!
