Monday, December 15, 2008

Disneyland in Glorious B&W, 1955, Pt. 10 & Park Update

Although the Tahitian Terrace concept was still about 7 years away, even in 1955 there was somewhat of a Tiki/Hawaiian theme to the Pavillion Terrance Restaurant that provided guests with a view of the Jungle Cruise. Back on Main Street, it’s Frontierland-meets-Main Street when a sherrif asks a Keystone Kop for the time. Note the Intimate Apparel shop in the background, aka "The Wizard of Bras."

Now a few photos from trip over the weekend which was prompted by the release of Olszewski’s Dumbo sculpture. This guy continues to amaze me with his artistry and the way that he captures so much detail in such a tiny scale (Z scale).

And in his series of miniature gallery lightboxes, here’s his take on the Enchanted Tiki Room:

As soon as I waded through the release line at Disneyana for Dumbo, I rushed over to the castle to get a few shots. That Diorama is just too cool not to check out again; and yes, I had missed some details the first time around. The "flickering" candles in the chandelier:

A few of the goons:

This detail shot is just another example of the fantastic use of color & lighting to create the mood of each diorama:

Speaking of details; with all the times that I have visited the park, you would think that there is very little that I haven’t seen. However, as I was waiting for the Columbia to come to the dock, I noticed the descriptive signs for the flags flying overhead. Disneyland may not be a museum, but I do love the edutainment portion of the park.

I guess even audio-animatronic figures need a bathbroom break, as the shaman has apparently left for a little while. Quite a few of the figures in Pirates of the Caribbean were also missing during my ride on Saturday.

Lunch was at Rancho del Zocala; I really love the decor in here, especially the stained glass. This is detailing at a level that you would rarely see at a restaurant such as this.

I am also happy to report that small world is just as obnoxious as I remember it; however, I must admit that it sure does look fantastic. Everything is in working order and it looks better than it has in years. Got a kick out of my friends calling the new boats The Rubbermaid Boats.

That’s it for today. See more vintage & current Disneyland photos at my regular website.


  1. dave,

    just a wonderful post. thanks for those wonderful b&w's and the detail shots.
    rubbermaid hehehehe

  2. Great update shots, Dave!

    DId you happen to pick a copy of the Olszewski for me.


  3. Those black & white photos continue to amaze me!!! Olszewski’s Dumbo is unbelievable! I want one. The Castle walk-thru sure is fun, great extra photos, thanks, there is so much in there to see. Rancho del Zocala is such an awesome place, I even stop there to take a break now, between meal times its very peaceful over there.

    Hey I noticed some AA missing from Pirates too, don't they have any spares? Thanks for the great post!

  4. Wow, talk about a monster post - - but it's a nice monster! Thanks for sharing.

  5. Thanks for the dispatch Dave---

    The b&w photos you've been running are priceless...

    Good show!
