Monday, December 22, 2008

Classic B&W, June 1957, Pt. 6

I hate to use the word "precious," but I can think of no better way to describe today's two images from the Pack Mule attraction. These little boys look like something out of "Our Gang." I've included the detail of the boy on the left's T-Shirt, promoting Camp Fox. br />

Not-so-precious is this little girl, giving dad the stink-eye for taking a photo of her while she is trying to ride the durn mule. Love the kid on the right, showing how tough he is by holding is hands in the air while riding his mule; today, kids do the same thing on Space Mountain and Big Thunder Mountain.

See more vintage Disneyland Pack Mule attraction photos at my main website.


  1. The folks at Disney should create some genetically modified "extreme" mules and bring this ride back!

  2. Bwahahaha!!! "Extreme mules!"

    Ahem,... The real reason I wanted to post here was to point out that Camp Fox (as seen on the t-shirt) was a YMCA summer camp for boys near Button Shell Beach on Catalina Island.

  3. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Camp Fox is still around:

  4. Anonymous10:18 AM

    OMG. Seat belts on the mules. Didn't remember that at all. "Extreme mules" would need airbags, presumably, and be Bluetooth-equipped, with satnav, an onboard 60-Gb hard drive, and a DVD player to keep the kids amused during the ride.
