Monday, November 03, 2008

Disneyland Hotel & Playground, October 1956

This set of October 1956 photos could be of almost any 50’s Motel/Hotel/Playground area, but they happen to be from none other than the Disneyland Hotel. There is no way that Disney could get away with such a low-tech play area today! These days, people need to be entertained, and the see-saw just wouldn’t cut the mustard. Just for that very reason I find these 3 images very touching.

Back at the Hotel, mom and son are waiting for the Tram, as can be deduced by reading the signage:

See more vintage & current Disneyland Hotel photos at my regular website.


  1. I'll take a stab at the sign:

    "Tram Loading Zone"
    "The Disneyland tram leaves"
    "here from park opening to closing"

    then four lines I can't make out

    "thank you"
    "Disneyland Hotel"

  2. The kids seem to be having a pretty good time... they will make their own fun if need be! I'm sure it helps that mom is paying so much attention to them.

  3. Great photos. It looks like the neighborhood park where I used to live.

  4. Katella - Your sight (and patience) is much better than mine! Nice job of deciphering.

  5. Love any and all shots of the Hotel. Had lots of fun there as a kid...

    Thanks Dave!

  6. Anonymous1:30 AM

    amazing photo detail quality for 1956.
