Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Disneyland Time Capsule: August 1958, pt. 4

Yet the end of another Daveland series, with today’s entry located in Frontierland. The majestic Columbia is sitting at the dock, awaiting another journey around the Rivers of America. If I were a betting man (and for the most part I’m not), I would bet that this shot was taken from the tables in front of Don DeFore’s Silver Banjo BBQ Restaurant, looking out at the Bandstand on the Rivers of America. The Strawhatters are keeping the guests entertained in this shot.

If you were to sit in this area today, this is what you’d see:

Back to August 1958, we have a view of the Canoes, manned by real Native Americans (known as Indians back then). Note guests doing some actual fishing on the pier, before this activity was removed from the park.

Naturally, it wouldn’t be a Frontierland series without one of the Mark Twain:

Naturally, this shot arrived AFTER I did my post on the Petrified Tree. This one gives a view of the signage for the Frontier Gun Shop:

See more vintage & current Frontierland. photos at my regular website.


  1. Ugh, that photo of the Fantasmic stage area... is that ugly or what? All of those fences and stone walls, honestly. Such a shame to ruin what was once one of the most picturesque places in the park.

  2. OK, so now you've got the Frontier Gun Shop... but where are the photos of Calico Kate's Pantry??

  3. Jason - You've got me stumped (wow, what a bad pun). Never heard of Calico Kate's.
