Thursday, August 07, 2008

A Visit to Randomland

Daveland is cleaning house today with a few random undated 1950’s shots. You’ve heard of the backside of water, right? How about the backside of the Adventureland gate? No guests in site...the perfect time to do a little housekeeping. Just a few steps away is the end of Main Street U.S.A. and Central Plaza. I just can’t help feeling sorry for that poor horse, wearing the silly hat.

These shots are undated, however, it appears that the dirt is being moved to make way for the House of the Future. Here’s a detail shot:

Over in the land of Tomorrow, we have a suh-weet shot of the Autopia.

See more vintage & current Disneyland photos at my regular website


  1. Wow, I like Randomland! That Autopia photo is GREAT!! And the back side of the Adventureland gate ain't too shabby either. I like the hat on the horse, it makes me think of the finale of "Johnny Fedora and Alice Bluebonnet" from "Make Mine Music".

    I don't think that's the House of the Future, although it looks like they might be getting ready to build it!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I’m with Major, I like Randomland! And that Autopia shot is suh-weet indeed with all the dirt landscaping and the great "50's red" Autopia car.

    Not sure about the HOTF, but that close up shot at the hub is the exact spot where I waited last week (for an hour) for the fireworks. It's amazing how the area is still pretty much the same. The grass area is enclosed with the detailed fencing now and has mostly flowers, but the layout is similar, I swear that's the same bench I was sitting on!

    THANKS for the trip thru Randomland.

  4. I'm with you Major, I'm pretty confident that this is the initial construction for the HOF. Great pics Dave, love the mix.

  5. Great to see the old sweeper in front of Adventureland. Looks like he might've been a bit warm in that coat! The old metal pans were the best, by the way. The new plastic ones used by custodial can't come close to the metal pans' performance characteristics!
