Monday, June 16, 2008

Disneyland: In Living Color, 1958 Pt. 4

The Omnibus has just dropped off one load of guests and picked up another on its famous one-way trip up and down Main Street. The castle sure looks purty in 1958.

While we’re in the area, might as well slide over to the Monsanto House of the Future:

Come back tomorrow for more 1958 Disneyland. See more vintage & current Disneyland photos at my website.


  1. Wow, what a fantastic shot of the House of the Future! An unusual angle to be sure, it seems like most of my photos of it were taken from basically the same vantage point.

  2. I agree with Major, plus it looks like its floating! Its odd to see it so high off the ground. For those of us who never saw it in person, photos like this sure help to understand what it must have been like. Thanks Dave!

  3. I want to live there! You know, as opposed to Frontier Land.
    Thank you for sharing

  4. I visited the "House" a bazillion times, and always walked through as slow as possible to take in all the details. I thought it was a bit small, but would have made a perfect single persons home. Anyone know what the actual square footage was? Our first house was a small 2 bed/1 bath bungalow and was about 950 sq.ft. (It was a converted classroom from the old Santa Ana Air Base, and moved to Santa Ana.) The Monsanto house seemed smaller. But I guess it was not really meant to be an "actual" full sized home. Great shot and angle. I think later on they put some benches under there for a little rest spot in the shade.
