Thursday, May 01, 2008

Pre-1959, Pt. 2: Frontierland

Today marks the end of this short series. The Conestoga Wagon clops by in this photo, as yet another Pack Mule expedition passes on the right. Meanwhile over on the Rivers of America, the Mark Twain glides by many an interesting site, beginning with this shot of the canoes at the entrance to the Indian Village.

One of my faves is the (formerly) Burning Cabin. Just wouldn't be right not to include a closeup of the poor varmint dead on the bench with an arrow in his chest. Talk about heartburn! I have also included a closeup of the mood-breaking Chicken of the Sea Pirate ship barely visible in the background.

Sadly, we must end this short series; and these friendly Indians bid you a fond farewell!

To see more vintage & current Frontierland photos, visit my website.


  1. Someday... someday... there will be a nice photo showing the group of indians behind the friendly chief. I'd love to see that detail!

  2. Stunning Conestoga Wagon shot!

  3. I agree with Chris, boy those Contestoga Wagon shots are rare but you sure seem to get some great ones! Why do I feel like some french fries after seeing that?

    Thanks Dave!

  4. That top shot is wonderful, Dave. Guessing it would have been taken from the Mark Twain perhaps, with a good long lens. Outstanding.
