Tuesday, May 13, 2008

July 1960 Visit: Tomorrowland 20K Exhibit

In a marvelous gesture of thrift and recycling, Disney re-used the sets from their blockbuster hit, “20,000 Leagues Under The Sea” and created an “exhibit” in Tomorrowland that guests could walk through and even touch. Shot #1 shows the entrance to the attraction, including a closeup of the signage that promises “The Giant Squid in Action.”

Thanks to Daveland reader Larry Brooks, you can get a nice view of the Squid, circa 1963, as Larry goes in deep for a closer view. Note the strings holding up the squid to make him look “in action.”

And a scene of the squid from the movie; he looks much more menacing on screen:

See more 20K photos at my website.


  1. That's a remarkable image of the 20K Leagues entrance!

  2. Amazing. For years I hoped to see a color photo of the entrance to 20K. This is only the second one I've ever seen, and it is fantastic! It really gives you a great look at the whole area.

  3. Whoa! That is as rare as they come! Nicely done sir.

  4. This is an absolutely amazing set of pictures. I remember walking into this exhibit and being absolutely stunned when I saw what was on display.

  5. I dig the exposed ceiling, Major is right, you really get a sense of how this room looked. Daveland gets a big GOLD STAR for this one! Thanks!

  6. wow, thanks. i got to go through this one time and at the age of 8, it was truly amazing.

    good pictures dave!

  7. Fantastic shots...super rare.

  8. I can't believe they let you touch the squid!

    Great shots, Dave...

  9. Nice Nice Nice! Thanks, Dave!

  10. Hey Dave, did Larry Brooks happen to mention how he managed to get to touch the giant squid? I assume that he was allowed to go where most folks were not, since I believe that the public only saw the squid through the Nautilus window.

  11. Major: Larry was not "allowed" back there and apparently got caught. The guy's got guts!

  12. Anonymous8:57 AM

    I remember that and most of the now "removed" Disneyland attractions , no wonder the Disneyworld here in Florida where I now live was so disappointing
