Sunday, May 11, 2008

July 1960 Visit: Frontierland

What better way to see Frontierland than aboard the Full Rigged 3 Mast Sailing Ship Columbia?!? Here she is, deboarding from yet another spin around the Rivers of America.

Here are some views from around the River, taken aboard the Columbia. First we have The Old Mill on Tom Sawyer Island:

And here is a semi-contemporary view of the same area:

Ah Wilderness! And the Fort that was built in the middle of it:

Here is my current day view, aka “The Train Wreck” (too painful to look at):

Let’s forget about the sad current state of FW and focus on that burning cabin that we used to love to see:

Here it is today, looking too darn purty to be part of the Wilderness:

Plenty of AA figures along the Rivers too, such as these friendly Indians:

And to all you moms out there, hope you are having a fantastic Mother’s Day!

See more Frontierland photos at my website.


  1. Great series of pics Dave. Beautiful Poster.

  2. They should build giant "dream suites" on Tom Sawyer Island. Build them out of "aged" 4 X 4's and tack on some Pirate accessories too. Make 'em six or seven stories tall, what the heck!

  3. Anonymous3:05 PM

    What's a helicopter doing in the air over the Columbia in 1787 ?

  4. That original fort looks like it was influenced by the great, early national park building architects like Robert Reamer, or Gilbert Stanley Underwood. The later fort looks like it was made from a kit they bought at Home Depot.
