Monday, May 12, 2008

July 1960 Visit: Frontierland Pt. 2

Still floating on the Rivers of America! 3 more AA Indian Village shots to get things going on this fine Monday morning.

Meanwhile, out little canoe is edging closer to Cascade Peak:

He, let’s zoom in on the “animals” along the river:

OK, back to Cascade Peak (with the Mark Twain just peaking out over the top of the trees on the far right):

A nice juicy close-up of the falls, with the Mine Train passing the Columbia. Love that layering!

The Pack Mules are still plugging away, with over a decade left before they get pink slips:

We’ve spent enough time in Frontierland, so let’s board the train at the Depot and head on over to another land for tomorrow; sound good? All aboard!

See more Frontierland photos at my website.


  1. I think that first picture might have been taken from the train.

    Nice shots of the pack mules and Frontierland station!

  2. Very nice pictures Dave. Great Frontierland train station.

  3. The eye candy never stops!!!! Daveland just keeps delivering, these are all awesome. It’s like we get our own personal time machine with these series posts, THANKS SO MUCH!!!

  4. Great last shot with the old Frontierland station in use.

  5. Have to agree with Matterhorn, that's a really nice old depot shot! Thank you, Dave.
